

Did you know that the Spanish verb “tirar” (to throw) has 29 different meanings? We can explain each one of them, and suggest how to use them based on whether your target audience is from Mexico, Cuba, Colombia, or elsewhere in Latin America.

Our linguists deliver precise, accurate, and seamless translations, conveying every semantic and cultural nuance of the original text. Each and every translation is executed following a rigorous quality control process that involves translators, editors, and proofreaders. The result is a technically, culturally, and aesthetically accurate product that meets your exact specifications.

We can take on virtually any English-to-Spanish translation project. We have translated complete Teacher and Student Editions to individual components in the fields of Math, Science, Literature, Language Arts, Social Studies, World Languages, ELLs, and Spanish as a Second Language.


Suppose you are editing a Spanish book adaptation and you stumble upon this sentence:

Las plazas atribuidas a estaciones intermedias podrán despacharse por la estación de origen del tren en régimen de venta anticipada, hasta aquellas estaciones u otras anteriores, con arreglo a la distancia efectiva.”

What does this mean? Is it grammatically correct? Does it make sense?

If you already have a document in Spanish, but are unsure of its quality, terminology, or cultural appropriateness, we provide substantive copyediting and proofreading services. We thoroughly review the translated text against the original and perform the following tasks:

  • Correct any spelling, format, grammar, and punctuation errors

  • Fix inconsistencies in names, times and places, or inappropriate terminology

  • Analyze the content, coherence, tone, style, and basic structure of the text

  • Adapt the text to the target audience


Spanish-speaking consumers differ greatly from their English-speaking counterparts. Cultural differences are the most troublesome variables encountered by companies that target Spanish-language markets. Failure to understand these differences has led to a great many blunders. The language of the text might be technically correct, but the message fails to properly communicate.

What if you were working on a Leveled Reader for Mexico, and you see the phrase:

Ese arroz ya se coció.” Literally it means “that rice is cooked”, but in fact this is an expression that has a completely different meaning.

With a broad knowledge of Spanish and Latin American history, arts, food, sports, and pop culture, we are experts in writing a wide variety of materials in Spanish. We can help you communicate your message in an effective, culturally appropriate, and error-free way. By properly utilizing the idiosyncrasies of the Spanish language, we will make sure that you reach your target market with clear, precise, and persuasive copy.

We can write from scratch:

  • Manuscripts for online, digital, and interactive products

  • Original content in Spanish for children and young readers

  • Scope and Sequences, Prototypes, Glossaries, and Guidelines

  • Supporting ancillaries, such as workbooks, teacher’s resource materials, activity masters, video scripts, and interactive games

  • Biliteracy and Standards-based products

  • Leveled, Decodable, and Patterned Readers

  • Manipulatives and School-to-home products

  • Graphic novels, book adaptations, and theater plays for children


Do you have a pool of Spanish technology-enhanced items that you need correlated? A Phonemic Awareness Scope and Sequence that you have to align to the Spanish TEKS? Do you need to find original Spanish literature for a 3rd grade reading program? Our translators, editors, and writers can work on a wide variety of Spanish-language assignments, and we have successfully tackled many projects in the following areas:

  • Passage and item writing for educational standardized assessment tests

  • Correlations, standards alignments, reverse alignments, and gap analyses

  • Writing and translating alt texts

  • Fact checking, answer checking, and indexing

  • Metadata Tagging

  • Audio Scripting

  • Cold Reads

  • Compiling anthologies of classic Latin American tales, poems, popular stories, and legends.

  • Design and illustration