Our Process

Our process is clear and collaborative, driven by our team of Spanish-speaking gurus, writers and thinkers.

Suppose you have a Student Workbook that needs to be translated to Spanish. Where do you start? All you need to do is send us your original documents and we’ll take it from there. We’ll analyze your files, assess the cost, develop a cross-functional workflow, and set a manuscript delivery schedule. Our translation process integrates multiple rounds of reviews and revision, ensuring adherence to the specific parameters of the project. We utilize a two-tiered, iterative editorial process that provides a high level of consistency in vocabulary and style from document to document across product lines, and ensures that the translation will seamlessly match the intended meaning of the original English text. Our editorial process encompasses the following details:

  • Map out the workflow procedures, track all elements at each stage, provide internal project status, and deliver all milestones according to the schedule and agreed upon format.

  • Produce content that is clear, logical, and error-free, meeting the highest standards of the Spanish language mechanics (spelling, capitalization, grammar, punctuation, usage, and syntax).

  • Edit and proofread all files as needed to ensure that all edits to previous passes have been done accurately.

  • Review all page proofs and incorporate global comments and editorial feedback from any external reviews, cold reads, and English reprints.

  • Ensure that formulaic expressions and content-related terminology are translated consistently throughout the documents.

  • Avoid words or references that are clearly more familiar to members of a particular Spanish dialect, ethnic group, social class, nationality, or geographic group.

  • Focus on the appropriate register for the grade level and check for culturally insensitive or offensive content.

  • Verify that universally understandable terms are used in cases where there are multiple standard dialects.

  • Avoid any bias against culture, politics, race, gender, theological orientation, and regionalisms.

  • Monitor adherence to the guidelines and specifications and maintain and update additions to the glossary terminology.

  • When applicable, create the title page, pagination chart, table of content, copyright notice, etc.